Friday, April 18, 2008

Our Nation's Capitol

Can you believe we went to Washington DC and I never even showed the pics to anyone? (Can you believe I went on a trip with my ex-husband? Well, we decided, hey...why NOT still take the tyke on a "family vacation" or two in this lifetime? So we did.)

How could I forget to show the world these unforgettable photos?

All of us agree our very favorite spot was Mt Vernon. To stand in the home of George Washington himself and to know this was his office, his books, his back porch, was amazing. We even saw the bed he died in, the colors he and his wife chose for decor, their dishes...

Have you ever wondered...If not for George Washington, would we even be?

Anyhow, if you've not seen anything in America to make you proud in awhile, go to Washington DC! Freedom and beauty will surround you, and remind you how lucky you really are. Who can't use that reminder?

1 comment:

ronie said...

How cool - so Syd was old enough for this trip? I always wondered when the kids would be able to handle a trip like this. The picture of her looking up should be framed big - GREAT shot!