Monday, June 4, 2007

Will Someone Tell Me, Please? Where Does the Time Go?

She's Six. This makes me 38, though I could be older and in denial...I had to do the math by calculator last year because I could no longer recall if I was 38 or GOING-TO-BE 38!

So let's try to figure this out despite my Alzheimer's: it was 2001 when she was born. She may live all of the days of her life knowing she was planned, wanted, and desired by her parents and all her grandparents!

She smiles and is happy most every day. She draws little smilies in every sunshine in every landscape she creates. What better party theme for the age of six than a SMILEY-face party, I ask you?

A fun time was had by all...most especially the Angel From Heaven who is so far unable to decide whether she is outgoing or sheepish in this life.

For now, let's just call her the girl with everything!