Sunday, August 5, 2007

Rollin Rollin Rollin...

My GF Carlee and I took the kids bowling. Here are some pics of the 6 year old EXCELLENTE bowlers. We had a really good time...that is... until the end, when Sydney pretty much had a surprising poor-losers' meltdown as she learned that we had been keeping score and she was not the winner. Ok so she came in 4th out of 4! We all know that's not the best feeling, but now it's apparent, we have to teach/learn some lessons in "ya win some; ya lose some." This is hard to teach to a wailing tyke who can't tie her own shoes yet... some of this lesson, you just have to feel in your own skin. We're working on it and making headway.

Anyhow, wanna tell ya about the bowling pics here...the ones where they are actually bowling. I know it looks like I got a great shot here...clicked the shutter at precisely the right nano-second...since bowling balls go down that alley rather quickly.

But let me just tell you... I had LONG PERIODS OF TIME to get these shots of the kids as the balls made....their...way...down...the...alley...very....very...very...slooooooooowly...! At times I wasn't sure the balls would make it all the way at all, if you understand me. It was adorable, but Carlee and I pretended not to notice!

Anyway, don't forget, the lesson is: just have fun! NO matter who wins or loses! A good time was had by all, and that is what we went for!

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